Vascular therapy

The main vascular therapy treatments that can be carried out with the Venusian CO2 device are on:


Functional disorders -such as lower limb ischemia due to arteriopathy (claudication of various etiologies)- and organic ones (ulcers), are undoubtedly determined by a decrease in the oxygen supply to the tissues: diabetes mellitus and obstructive pathology.

Carboxytherapy induces increased bioavailability of oxygen in tissues: improvement of functional disorders and ulcer healing.

The considerable vasodilation generated through Carboxytherapy, determines an increase of the venous bed and a decrease in the volume and pressure load on both the insufficient and the varicose veins. Therefore, a clear improvement of all diseases characterized by venous stasis is induced. Another important aspect is the ability of Carboxytherapy to reduce pain symptoms associated with ulcerative pathologies and, in presence of deep ulcers, to aid the rooting of flaps or skin grafts.

It is used in Phlebology regularly and with excellent results when treating vein and lymphatic insufficiencies, as it is capable of reactivating arterial-venous-lymphatic microcirculation and easing the pressure on blood vessels. Venous insufficiency cases are attributed to patients who present one or more of the following complaints: lower limb skin hyperpigmentation tingling in the legs, swollen legs and ankles, telangiectasia (slow blood flow), calf cramps at night, varicose veins, phlebitis (inflammation of superficial veins) etc. In addition to a physical examination, an echocolordopler test is recommended in order to assess vein functionality and blood flow quality.


Carboxytherapy ulcer treatment should be seen as a complementary therapy both for methods treating ulcerative lesions, and for those aimed at solving the underlying pathology of the lesion. A condition common to all chronic skin ulcerative lesions, is a situation of tissue hypoxia that does not allow such wounds to heal. Functional disorders -such as lower limb ischemia for arterial disease-, and organic disorders -such as ulcers- are thus undoubtedly determined by the reduction in oxygen supply to the tissues: diabetes mellitus and obstructive diseases represent the most frequent causes. Carboxytherapy induces increased oxygen bio-availability in the tissues: for this reason, the treatment has proven effective in improving both functional disorders and ulcer scarring. Another significant aspect is that Carboxytherapy effectively decreases painful symptomatology associated with ulcerous pathologies and improves, when in presence of deep ulcers, the engraftment of skin flaps or grafts.  This treatment, therefor, should be aimed both at improving macro circulation, by administering Carbon Dioxide at a vascular trunk level, and at improving microcirculation, acting close to the lesion to increase local oxygen availability.

Terapia Vascolare - Piaghe, Ulcere, ferite difficili


General video treatments


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