Aesthetic gynaecology

The main aesthetic gynaecology treatments that can be carried out with the Venusian CO2 device are:

Medicina Estetica - Ringiovanimento Genitale.


Genital organs, throughout life, undergo physiological changes of shape and volume as well as functional changes. In the field of Cosmetic Medicine -and in this particular case in Aesthetic Gynecology- the role of Carboxytherapy is to oxygenate and reactivate metabolic and draining processes, should they have slowed down due to physiological aging. For all aspects concerning Genital Rejuvination, treatments are combined with classical therapies (hormone replacement therapies, bio-restructuring techniques using amino acids and vitamins…) to enhance hydration and turgidity of the parts as well as to give back shape to lost volumes.

Since it acts on microcirculation, Carboxytherapy treatment can be easily combined with vaginal laser therapy treatments (or genital rejuvenation with laser) thus offering an absolutely complete treatment to menopausal patients who undergo this treatment.


General video treatments


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