Pain therapy

The main pain therapy treatments that can be carried out with the Venusian CO2 device are:

trattamenti efficaci di terapia del dolore in ortopedia, medicina dello sport, reumatologia.


For all that concerns Pain Therapy, there are many indications for Carboxytherapy in orthopedics, physical medicine and sport medicine; there are also obvious beneficial effects for patients suffering from:

  • Tendon inflammation;
  • Peritendinous inflammation.

It is indicated in the treatment of different types of medical conditions, such as:

  • Neck pain;
  • Lumbago;
  • Various musculoskeletal disorders;
  • arthritis;
  • tendonitis;
  • muscle diseases.

In Pain Therapy, the most significant benefit attributed to carbon dioxide insufflation is an analgesic effect: subcutneous administration of CO2 determines, right from the very first sessions, a marked improvement in pain-related symptomatology.


General video treatments


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