Home / Carboxytherapy
Carboxytherapy consists of subcutaneous and intradermal inoculations of medical Carbon Dioxide (CO2) for therapeutic purposes.
Only medical professionals can administer it. The therapy consists of localized microinjections of medical Carbon Dioxide administered using a tiny needle inserted on a disposable sterile tube connected to Venusian CO2 Therapy.
The treatment is safe for the patient, as Carbon Dioxide is non-toxic and does not cause embolisms, and is compatible for the human body that produces it constantly and eliminates it through the venous system via the lungs.
Thanks to sophisticated technology, it is possible to preheat the Carbon Dioxide to 43° before injecting it into the skin, lowering significantly the painful and/or burning sensation felt by the patient.
Academic clinical studies and research have demonstrated that the use of injected Carbon Dioxide works on:
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